Philippians - "What is Joy?"
Miwaza Jemimah
2010/02/05 23:08

"What is Joy?"

- Brothers, Workers and Fellow Soldiers

Philippians is the letter that Paul wrote to his brothers and fellow
workers and fellow soldiers(as he calls Epaphraditus in 2:25) to
encourage them to live joyful life. While Paul was imprisoned the Church
of Philippi was also facing the problem of being suffered for Christ's
sake. They were apart from each other and fighting in different places
but as Paul said they were in the same conflict(1:30) of spreading the

- "Joy" and "Rejoice"

In this situation, Paul is encouraging the church to rejoice in the Lord
always(4:4) even in the conflict and suffer. We can tell the importance
of "joy" in this letter by seeing how many times Paul used these words
"joy(5479)- 5 times" and "rejoice(5463) - 7 times".

- Joy of Paul in This Letter

So what is the joy that Paul is speaking of in this letter? What is our
joy and how can we rejoice in the time of hardship? It is clear in this
letter that the Philippians themselves are the joy of Paul. While Paul
was imprisoned for Christ's sake he heard that the church is fighting
the same battle as he is to spread the gospels and so it became his joy
and comfort. The fact that the Philippians loved each other and that
they stood as one in total unity was the joy of Paul.

- Rejoice for The Safety

Paul is encouraging the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord dozen times
in this letter. But why is that? There are several answers to this
question, but the answer that can be found in chapter 3 is interesting.
Paul is exhorting to rejoice for their safety. If the church stand
strong in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of
the gospel;(1:27)  it will be the sign of destruction for their enemy.
But for the church, it will be the sign of salvation.

- Stand Firm in Christ to Rejoice

So if we stand firm in Christ, we will be able to find joy and
peace(4:7) in any circumstance. Even if we will be suffered for the
cross of Christ, we will rejoice. And true joy in Christ will be one of
the strongest weapon in the battle that we are fighting to spread the
gospel of Christ. So that is why Paul is exhorting the Philippians to
rejoice, and he is also mentioning about Timothy and Epaphroditus in
chapter 2, because they are the good examples of what we need to be for
the work of Christ.